Don't Count It Out, 'Glee' The Movie

This should come as no surprise. It appears that a Glee movie may be just beyond the horizon. Here's what the Hollywood Insider had to report...

In news that sure excited me sister when I texted her this evening, seems I’ve a mutual friend of one of the Glee cast members (Reminding her of my permanent uncoolness I had to ask her about who this person actually played on the show and what’s been happening to the character this season).

The actor and myself were both at the same birthday party in Santa Clarita tonight. We were briefly introduced; he/she spoke about their work, I spoke about mine (I write for a series - one not nearly as big as Glee, sadly). It was all very quick but pleasant.

Oh, and my friend was given a Daiwa Saltist Spin 6500H Fishing Reel! (Okay, so I see you’re not interested in that). He liked it, anyway.

Interestingly, but not necessarily surprising (since it’s usually the way things are done), this person told me that Glee might be headed to the big screen… “before the majority of the cast is 30″. As far as I could gather this wouldn’t be anything happening soon, it’d follow the trend set by shows like Sex and the City and The X-Files and do some kind of movie after the show wraps. Usually, those plans do come off - unless your show is named 24. This person made sure to add that it was all just chitchat and suggestions right now.

I’ve only seen a few episodes of the show, but I think Glee could definitely work as a film; the gang on tour (road movie?) or maybe a ‘Glee goes to Monte Carlo’ style pic? I’m assuming Ryan Murphy, series creator, would be involved in such a project (he needs a film career - anyone else see Eat Pray Love?).

Anyway, add this one to the ‘possibilities of the future’ pile - something someone on the show has merely brought up as an idea for down the road.
Fox can smell the money already, no doubt.

Glad I came away from this birthday party with more than a burnt mouth - yes, I did the old ‘eating pizza too quick and burning the roof of your mouth’ trick. I need one of those Burger King Cup Cake Sundae Shakes.

Thanks to the Hollywood Insider.