Possible Smallville movie (UPDATED)

This comes from Moviehole:

According to AICN, a hush-hush “Smallville” telefilm could be in the works – it’d follow the events of the show’s upcoming ninth-and-final season, and offer audiences a glimpse at something they were certain (because original said it’d never happen, since this show is supposed to be all about Clark Kent) they’d never see…. Tom Welling in the Superman suit.

An untried scooper (like how we’re not judging?) told the site that he’s gotten a hold of some signage being prepared for next months’ Comic Con.

Here’s what said scooper says :

On black, with crimson/red text in the same font lettering that Smallville uses, and a transparent grey Superman "S" watermark behind the text: METROPOLIS CHRISTMAS 2010 Then at the bottom is a banner advertising the Smallville presentation.

This could be nonsense… but if not, it could be a great send-off for “Smallville”. Wonder if Michael Rosenbaum will reprise his role as Lex Luthor for it?

Sequel-Buzz.com - Smallville Movie
Possible image described above.

Sequel-Buzz.com - Possible Smallville movie

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