Brian Singer's X-Men sequel plans

Is Brian Singer considering returning to the X-Men franchise? Read on for the buzz...

With his once promising ‘'Superman'' series (I think it's safe to say we'll never see a sequel to "Superman Returns". A new "Superman" movie, sure, just not one that has ties to the under performing - Warner's words, not mine; I think it did quite well considering, and for the most part, I enjoyed the heck out of the flick - 2006 flick) now as motionless as a highway-traveling meerkat, it's no surprise to hear all-round comic-nut Bryan Singer is back in talks with Fox about returning to the "X-Men" series.

As you'll recall, Singer existed his post as the director of "X-Men 3" when Warner Bros offered him the chance to direct a "Superman" movie. But when "Superman Returns" didn't exactly set the world on fire, Warner Bros pushed the pause button on any further adventures of Kal-El. The last we heard the franchise may be rebooted yet again - possibly with "V for Vendetta" director James McTeague taking the reigns. But at the moment, the official studio response is that there's currently nothing happening with Superman.

But there's a lot happening with the X-Men - there's spin-off's in the works ("Magneto", "The First Class", "Deadpool"), sequels to spin-off's ("Wolverine 2"), and even rumours of a third sequel to Singer's smash-hit "X-Men". Thus, Singer's looking to Rothman for his next meal.

And why wouldn't Fox let Singer defect!? He did, after all, near single-handedly give life to the studio's steady roster of comic-book movies.

"I'm still looking to possibly returning to the 'X-Men' franchise. I've been talking to Fox about it," The Hollywood Reporter quoted Singer as saying at South Korea's Pusan International Film Festival. "I love Hugh Jackman. I love the cast," he said.

Singer, whose most recent film was the Tom Cruise vs. Hitler drama "Valkyrie", said the "X-Men" series, which follows a group of mutants with superpowers who struggle to fit in with humans, is about tolerance and social structures.

He said he likes to "trick audiences into thinking they're seeing fireworks, but they're learning about themselves and listening to what I have to say."

"The excitement about working in science fiction and fantasy is - the stories, if they are good, are about the human condition," Singer said.

If Singer's indeed serious about returning to the world of "X-Men" hopefully it's for the recently-mooted "X-Men 4" which it's said would reunite the cast of the original trilogy - including Jackman, Halle Berry, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen and so on. After the abysmal "X-Men : The Last Stand", that series needs to be sealed off in style.

Thanks to Moviehole for the story.

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