Iron Man 2 in false IMAX

There's really no surprise here, Iron Man 2 will be shown on IMAX screens across the country. Does this mean the film was actually shot in IMAX? Probably not ala Star Trek. This really bugs me as it seems to just be a subtle ploy to bring in more money..."let's charge $5 more a ticket to show it on a 10-story screen." Ugh. C'mon! Atleast shoot the damn thing in IMAX. The Dark Knight did it right!

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Iron Man 2 just got even bigger. The highly anticipated sequel will be simultaneously released on IMAX screens on May 7, Paramount Pictures, Marvel Entertainment, and IMAX Corporation jointly announced today. “We’re excited that the IMAX format will offer fans an even more immersive way to experience the sequel,” said Marvel Studios chief operating officer Tim Connors.
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