Burton Developing 'Nightmare Before Christmas 2'

Could it be? Is Tim Burton finally starting development on a sequel to The Nightmare Before Christmas?

Now here's some really cool news sent in to us by a very reliable source on the East Coast! While Tim Burton is busy toiling away on the highly anticipated Dark Shadows adaptation right now, he also has his sights set on a sequel to his much beloved The Nightmare Before Christmas.

The news comes to us from a recent interview with Paul "Pee-wee Herman" Reubens (who worked with Burton on Pee-wee's Big Adventure) in promotion of his live Broadway show, which closes January 2nd but is being taped for HBO. When asked if he would like to work with Burton again, Reubens replied that he'd like to, but Burton has so many projects happening right now, including Dark Shadows, it's not likely. He went on to mention a few more, but the big reveal came when Reubens mentioned that Burton is also planning a sequel to The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Talk about a late holiday gift, huh? Look for more on the return of Jack Skellington and company soon!

Thanks to Dread Central.

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