More Heather Morris 'Buffy' Chatter

This has become some sort of roller coaster ride this past week: is she or isn't she? It was rumored earlier that Glee star Heather Morris was the front-runner to play the lead in the Buffy, The Vampire Slayer reboot. And then the story was debunked by the writer...and now Morris is claiming that she is in talks...

What a rocking chair of a news story this is, we’ve been back-and-forth on these “Heather Morris as Buffy” rumours all week.

The “Glee” actress was said to be the frontrunner for the role of the Slayer in Warner’s “Buffy, the Vampire Slayer” reboot a week or so back. The film’s writer, newcomer Whit Anderson, was quick to debunk the rumours though – suggesting that the script is not even finished, so nobody’s out there auditioning actors just yet.

Was that a smokescreen though? Is Heather Morris actually in talks? It would seem so.

The blond, who plays ditzy Britney on “Glee”, tells Access Hollywood that she’s indeed being considered.

“They’re considering me!” Morris says, “I found out and I almost peed my pants ’cause I was so excited!”

Morris additionally admitted that she is a fan of the story’s heroine Buffy, that she would take any role in the upcoming film. “If they make ['Buffy'] when ['Glee'] is on hiatus, I don’t even care what I do. I can just run through the shot and do nothing – even if I’m not Buffy!” she declared.

Hmm. Well there ya go. Seems a studio and a studio puppet were playing the cover-up. Surely that’s a first? (wink wink)

Thanks to Moviehole.

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