A little X-Men: First Class news bits...
Someone over at the Superhero Hype forums is claiming to have some inside information on the “X-Men : First Class” movie. Considering it is the reputable Superhero Hype and not a comic blog hosted on a free weebly account we’ll give this person the benefit of the doubt.. for now.•the xmen costumes are blue and yellow. they look good.
•mystique has an xmen costume, so i’m assuming she’s apart of the xmen team at some point. she’s also not going to be blue for the entire movie.
•i personally don’t like beast’s look. his fur is apparently made of some near-extinct albino fox or something. but that could just be a rumor.
•angel has tattoos all over her body and her costume is black, very short and revealing. (zoe kravitz and her stunt double are gorgeous).
•i’m not sure if it’s ok to reveal the villain, but he looks really awesome. he also drank my soda.
•emma frost looks really good. but i don’t like the hair and make-up, although it might translate better on film than it did in person.
•got to see some fight rehearsals. beast, mystique and *the villain*have a fight.
•the hellfire club is either a strip club or a casino. and it might be on a boat.
•a scene takes place outside a submarine. only a small part of the sub is real. most of it is green screen.
•know one scene revolves around beast, havoc and another guy trying to defend xavier from eric. mystique is in that scene as well, but she doesn’t try to defend xavier. i’m guessing by that point, she’s torn between xavier and eric
Thanks to Moviehole.