Ursa Confirmed For 'Man Of Steel'

One of the female leads for Zack Snyder's Man of Steel has been confirmed as the villainess Ursa...

It's not a bird, it's not a plane, but it's a Superman scoop you want to read about.

Most recently the powers that be, aka the producers, of Zack Synder's take on Superman released to the trades the names of three actresses who are in contention to play a character who is "undisclosed" for the time being.

Auditioning are British actress Alice Eve, German actress Diane Kruger and British actress Rosamund Pike. The trades also stated that these three are not vying for the part of Lois Lane.

There are many are speculating that Lois Lane will not be in the film, but as a buddy of mine recently said, "Superman without Lois Lane is like having Batman without Alfred."

While bloggers and fans have been scratching their heads trying to figure out which character Synder has them coming out for, LatinoReview has been alerted by a most trusted reliable source that two things are going to occur.

1: Lois Lane WILL be in the film.
2: The character these lovely actresses have come out for is none other than a Kryptonian villainess who is going by the name of URSA.

Now expect the powers that be to deny deny and deny. As Superman fans can recall the character URSA was in both "Superman: The Movie" and "Superman II" played by British actress Sarah Douglas.

This will lead many to wonder whether or not General Zod will be in the film as URSA, along with Zod, were two thirds of the criminals banished by Jor-El to the Phantom Zone.

Now Zack Synder has gone on record stating that General Zod will not be in the film, stating, “For now, it’s just a rumor.” But directors and screenwriters often make changes before shooting begins.

With production on the film beginning this summer with a late 2012 release date expect decisions to be made shortly regarding the principal cast.

Thanks to the Latino Review.

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