'True Lies 2' To Kick Off Schwarzenegger's Comeback

It seems that Arnold Schwatzenegger's first film post-office will be True Lies 2. Co-star Tom Arnold recently laid out all the facts...

For a long time, True Lies co-star and good friend of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Arnold, has said that True Lies 2 is happening. Then, last year, we heard the movie was being turned into a weekly TV series that could possibly star wrestler/actor John Cena. Now, Tom Arnold is back on the True Lies 2 train saying, quite matter-of-factly, that True Lies 2 has a very high chance of being Arnold Schwarzenegger's first film since leaving office as governor of California.

There had been a number of sequel scripts written for True Lies 2 over the years, which James Cameron previously stated would not be used for the proposed TV series. Cameron has made it clear that he is not involved with the show based on the popular 1994 action film, but Tom Arnold now claims that the Avatar and Titanic director will be producing True Lies 2 . He claims that there is a finished script that both he and Arnold Schwarzenegger definitely want to make.

Here is what he had to say about True Lies 2, and his proposal to Sylvester Stallone to bring back some of the action genre's most remembered sidekicks in The Expendables 2.

Tom Arnold: I have read a great True Lies 2 script, and I hope we are able to do it. Knock on wood. Arnold Schwarzenegger is excited. I am excited.

Ever since Arnold left office, he has been talking about what he wants to do in terms of his next movie. Do you think its actually a reality that you guys will do True Lies 2?

Tom Arnold: Literally. We have both read the script. There is a script that James Cameron and a guy named Jeff Eastin, who created the TV show White Collar, wrote. It is really great. Jim can't direct it. But he can produce it. We hope it gets done. We have a few fun things we want to do. I am supposed to remain cool about this. For me, it would be a lot of fun to work with the guys again.

Have you talked about who you might want to direct this time around?

Tom Arnold: There is a list of really good directors. There have always been people who were interested in doing it. I let those guys handle that. I put in my two cents.

You and Arnold have had quite an interesting relationship. When he was in office, one of the only appearances he made was in your movie The Kid and I. I truly love that movie, maybe more than True Lies. When are you going to do a follow-up to that?

Tom Arnold: I think True Lies 2 is going to be the follow-up to that. I am excited. All I can say right now is, I know that Arnold and I will work together. A lot of people are sending him scripts now. He is carefully going through them, deciding what he wants to do. He wants to have some fun. He wants to do something that is worth his time, but fun. Hopefully, we can get this thing figured out. And we can get something on track. I am just waiting. I am following his lead.

What about joining in on The Expendables 2?

Tom Arnold: I could always do that. That would be a fun little thing to do. I said to Sly, "You should have a thing for the sidekicks." We'll see what he does. I thought he did a great job with the first one. I was really proud of him.

True Lies 2 is in development and stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Arnold.

Thanks to Movieweb for the scoop.

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