Despite leaving the series dormant for a number of years after two moderate successes at the box office, it looks like we'll be getting a third Texas Chainsaw Massacre -- appropriately titled Leatherface 3D.
Bloody Disgusting got exclusive word that John Luessenhop is in talks to direct Lionsgate's Leatherface 3D, the sequel to the Platinum Dunes produced Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake that was released via New Line Cinema and Warner Bros. Pictures.
Luessenhop directed the 2010 Takers starring Chris Brown, Hayden Christensen and Matt Dillon.
Debra Sullivan, Adam Marcus and Stephen Susco have turned in drafts the third Chainsaw flick that supposedly picks up immediately where Tobe Hooper's original left off before flashing forward 35 years.
Thanks to Bloody-Disgusting for the scoop.