'Evil Dead 4' Starting Production?

So it seems the on-again, off-again Evil Dead 4 might finally be seeing the light of day. But one question remains: is it a sequel or a remake?
When it comes to anything regarding the next Evil Dead flick, there's been so much said that we never know just what is or is not concrete anymore. However, an interesting and solid little tidbit has fallen right into our laps.

Dread Central has it on good authority from a very reliable source that long-time Sam Raimi editor Bob Murawski (Army of Darkness; Spider-man, Drag me to Hell) has packed up and headed out to Detroit to begin work on the long talked about fourth entry into the Evil Dead franchise, which will be "a small indie thing like the first two."

We'll get you more details as they come, but it looks like this IS happening. Will it be the fourth in the series? Will it be a remake? Stay tuned. News is coming.

According to Bruce Campbell's official website, BruceCampbell.com, Bruce officially joined Twitter over the weekend (follow @GroovyBruce). On his Twitter site Bruce was questioned by a fan who stated, "I won't believe in a new Evil Dead film until I see it. Or at least not until @GroovyBruce tells me to believe in it," to which Campbell responded, "Believe in the remake, dawg! The project is real. In the works. Cool as hell. Scary as hell." More as it comes.
Thanks to Dread Central for the scoop.
Nick Meece

Writer, wannabe. twitter

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