F. Gary Gray Most Likely Directing NWA Biopic

F. Gary Gray was on the list of directors who could potentially direct the sequel to Captain America but now his name looks to be off that list.

F. Gary Gray is in talks to direct Straight Outta Compton, a biopic about rap group NWA.

The film will see NWA, which included members Ice Cube, Dr. Dre and Easy E, rise out of south central LA and give birth to gangster rap

The director has a history with Ice Cube, directing his hit film Friday which launched Ice Cube's acting career so having Mr. Gray direct it will act as somewhat of a comfort zone for Cube I'm sure.

So now that F. Gary Gray is most likely out of the race for the Captain America sequel, who will possibly direct it?  It will probably be a while until we find out.

Source: Cinema Blend
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