Review: The Legend Of Korra Book One

If you were a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender then hearing the news that there was a new Avatar series on Nick was big news. We get to see brand new characters in this world of mastering the elements and being able to ride on giant dogs (at least they look like dogs). I know I was pretty excited. I wasn't expecting something quite as epic or great as the first series but a series that could take the elements of the first and make it it's own. It did just that... for better or worse.

As the series opens, we see our heroine, Korra, who is the new Avatar. She is a hotheaded, stubborn and beautiful young lady who just wants to master the art of Airbending as soon as possible because we all know that learning how to airbend is so hard. I know how to airbend. It's not the greatest smelling thing in the world but I know how to do it. (Yes, I just did a fart joke.)

The series is set seventy years after the original series and set in Republic City. Master Tenzin, who is Katara and Aang's son, is the one who is training her to airbend. She is a piece of work that's for sure. Oh, and as a nerd, Master Tenzin is voiced by J.K. Simmons who most of you will know from the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies or the guy who is in those Farm Bureau commercials. I know him as the guy who played Vernon Schillinger in HBO's OZ. I love that show. Oh, sorry, I'm doing a Korra review.

The "Equalists" are the main antagonists of the first book led by their leader, Amon. Amon wears a mask to hide his identity and his identity is found out later on in the series. He believes that people who have the ability to bend the elements are evil and will do anything to get rid of them. He shows his power several times to establish he is NOT to be reckoned with and in my opinion is the best character in the first book. He is voiced by Steven Blum who is best known as the guy to voice Spike Spiegel in the English dub of Cowboy Bebop and as the voice of TOM on Toonami.

Korra meets a few other characters who join her in her quest to defeat the Equalists, brothers Mako and Bolin who are pro-benders, the biggest sport in Republic City. There are a few episodes in which she joins their team. These episodes do nothing but to create tension between Mako, Bolin and Korra because, well, you have to have romance in there somewhere right?

Mako gets hit on by Asami (literally, she runs into him with her motorbike) and then she introduces him to her father who not only sponsors the Fire Ferrets pro-bending team that Mako is a part of but he also works for the Equalists. Awkward... Captain Beifong of the metalbending police force rounds out the main characters for the show, who we learn is Toph's daughter.

After 12 episodes of twists and turns, the ending is actually something that I feel could be left alone. I mean, there are so many possibilities they could do that I feel that whatever they choose to do, it won't satisfy anyone. The original series had a sort of ending that made room for the additional seasons but the way that this season ends, there isn't really anything they leave open.

Probably the only good thing about the show is the animation.  It is top notch, especially during the action scenes. The action scenes would be the main reason I would watch this show again.  Anytime there was no action, I would be get bored to be quite honest.

Overall, I tried not to say too much about the show in terms of plot but I found the characters to be nowhere near as likable or even as remotely fun as the original. Bolin is pretty much useless other than the occasional outburst of comedy that doesn't always land the punch. I like the show as a general part of the Avatar saga but as a standalone show, it doesn't tickle me fancy.

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