Today we look at a 2003 prequel to one of the funniest movies ever made.  Now that sounds like some pretty big shoes to fill, and it was -- which ultimately why it failed.  I'm talking about DUMB AND DUMBERER: WHEN HARRY MET LLOYD.

It's the 1980s, and it's the moment that Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne meet. The two individuals are seen by many as 'special', and become best friends as soon as they meet. Principal Collins and his lover, the lunch lady Ms. Heller, want to make as much money out of scams, and their next idea is to create a special needs class. Ms. Heller is the teacher, and they have assigned Harry and Lloyd to round the special students up. School News Reporter Jessica is suspicious though, and desperately tries to find out the truth, even if it means gaining Harry and Lloyd's help.

From FilmFanUK on IMDb

My thoughts:
I'm almost ashamed to admit that there was a time in my life when I was excited to see this movie.  Looking back at it, I might not ever watch it again.  I give credit to Derek Richardson (Harry) and Eric Christian Olsen (Lloyd) because they at least tried.  However, DUMB AND DUMBERER is a completely forgettable installment.  Here's to hoping DUMB AND DUMBER TO can wash the taste of this film away.


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