Joshua Jackson Wants To Do D4: THE MIGHTY DUCKS; Quack Attack Is Back

Now this is a fantastic '90s throwback!  Star of the Mighty Ducks trilogy, Joshua Jackson (who has gone on to do BIG things), states in an article in Time that he'd very much be open for returning to a fourth movie, a D4: The Mighty Ducks, if you will.

Also, series producer Jordan Kerner is very keen on a return to the ice...
JACKSON: I feel like a fourth film should happen, and if there was space for any of the original kids that come back and have a role, I would be surprised that anybody didn’t want to do it, The next generation should have its own version. Not that we need to come back as adults, but I hope my kids grow up and play pickup hockey and I hope that they have their own movies like my generation had those movies. In that way, yeah, of course, I’d be a part of something like that.

KERNER: There have been a number of times that we have discussed with the studio the idea of either bringing it back and bringing it back possibly with one or two of the guys who are now in their thirties as the coaches, and having a few more of them be their friends in their lives and having the kids come back. And I’ve been pitched a story two or three times. It hasn’t been the right story yet, but the idea of doing that is something Steve and I have talked about and actually Disney and I have talked about. So I’m not going to fuel the rumor mill that it’s going to happen, but I’m saying to you that the studio said to us, “We’d be interested if you come to us with the right story.” And that’s something that we’ve been all thinking about independently and I think that we may be coming closer to having the right idea for that.
Color me PSYCHED!  Just hope something solid comes from this revelation.  What's Emilio Estevez doing nowadays?

Source: Time (phenomenal article and read)
Nick Meece

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