PACIFIC RIM 2 Script In The Works; Guillermo del Toro, Zak Penn Writing

Well, scrap the prequel idea -- Guillermo del Toro and Incredible Hulk scribe Zak Penn are currently working on a follow-up script together -- Pacific Rim 2!
“I’m working very, very hard with Zak Penn,” he told BuzzFeed. “We’ve been working for a few months now in secret. We found a way to twist it around. Travis Beacham [co-writer of the first film, now working on Fox’s Hieroglyph] was involved in the storyline and now I’m writing with Zak because Travis has become a TV mogul.”

“I don’t have the money, but I’m proceeding like it is happening,” he said with a laugh, adding that he hopes to tackle the sequel after producing his next project.

“Some people were wondering if we were going to do the prequel. I was never interested in doing that first wave of invasion,” del Toro said. “I’m going for very new, very crazy ideas on the second one, which are very different from the first one — but you will get really great spectacle.”
Source: BuzzFeed 
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