This loosely related sequel focuses on Steve Stifler's younger brother Matt Stifler, who is sent to band camp for the summer to avoid expulsion from high school by the counselor, Sherminator. Matt attempts to wire the camp with hidden cameras to turn it into the set for his own "Girls Gone Wild"-type video, but when he falls for his school band's director Elyse, his efforts to stifle his Stiffmeister ways will surely meet with hilarious results.
From Anonymous on IMDb
My thoughts:
I'm not going to beat around the bush here, I really enjoyed BAND CAMP. Tad Hilgenbrink, who plays Matt Stifler, actually did a great job at capturing the essence of "The Stifmeister" (although originally Matt Stifler, Eli Marienthal, is missed in the role). Recommended if you're a PIE fan, just remember this is a standalone AP flick.