Josh Stewart Confirms Third COLLECTOR, Script Stage

Josh Stewart, star of THE COLLECTOR and THE COLLECTION, recently confirmed that a third COLLECTOR is on the way!  He recently attended Monster Mania in Cherry Hill, NJ and dropped the news to the people over at Horror Sci-fi and More!
But he was there to help promote the movie he produced and directed called "The Hunted". But once he got talking about things he let leak that the Collector series was going to become a trilogy now. As a third film has been commissioned by LD Entertainment. Now when we pressed for some details all he could say is that its in the scripting stages as of right now but he has been contacted to reprise his role of Arkin O'Brien, the character who went through hell and back to save a little girl from the Collector even though he was trying to rob her family blind only to be tossed into a box at the end of the film to escape from the Collector in The Collection but again getting abducted and forced to help a wealthy man get his daughter back after she is taken by the Collector. Now if you saw the Collection we are left with an open ending not knowing what happened to the Collector after Arkin got to him.
Source: Horror Sci-fi and More! 
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