What Are Your Halloween Plans? Scary Movies Galore!

So autumn is finally upon us!  Pumpkin patches, apple cider, haunted houses and all the Halloween-themed merchandise you can shake a stick at.  Ah, 'tis the season.

Now beg the question: what are your Halloween plans?  For some, like myself, scary movies are a year 'round tradition, but for some, they save them for this time of the year.  Although, I do find myself saving many-a-horror-movies for October any more.  What is the world coming to?

I've already begun my HALLOWEEN series binge-watching...along with all the Halloween-themed TV episodes I can get my hand on.

Chime in and let us know what you do for Halloween -- movie-wise, that is.

Happy haunting!
Nick Meece

Writer, wannabe. twitter

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