Just a heads up, I wrote a new piece for the Indianapolis Movie Examiner where I discuss what it would take for a new NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET reboot to succeed. Check it out and be sure to chime in. Agree or disagree, I'd love some feedback!
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
Believe it or not, the year is 2015 and many horror fads are beginning to creep their way back onto our television and movie screens. And dream-oriented horror is no different. With movies like THE BABADOOK and BEFORE I WAKE garnering all kinds of attention and money, I’m reminded of a little movie from 1984 that perfected the sub-genre – Wes Craven’s A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET.
Yes, the movie that launched one of the most iconic horror movie villains of all time, Freddy Krueger. It was an exercise in a new form of horror at the time. And most surprising of all is that creator Wes Craven pulled the concept straight from real life. And sprinkling extras throughout that were inspired by his own real-life childhood. But that’s neither here nor there. It’s a classic tale of a killer seeking revenge on the parents of Elm Street by going after their children in their dreams.
Now in this day and age, what does a reboot of A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET need to be successful? And let’s just go ahead and erase the 2010 remake off the board – it just…wasn’t very good. In fact, one might say that it simply missed the mark entirely. Although, it did bring one thing new to the table with the use of micro-naps. They’re totally real and work perfectly for a NIGHTMARE movie. So that was cool.
Now, what would a re-reboot need to succeed? That’s the three-hundred million dollar question. With the way that current horror seems to trending, let’s see how ole Fred Krueger could really make a splash in 2015.
Now an idea that came to recently, and one that I like quite a bit, is how about a flesh and blood Krueger for this go-around? Think about it. A horribly scarred man, lurking in the shadows of Elm Street at night. Years ago he nearly killed by the local parents, a lynch mob, after being wrongfully accused of molesting their children. Now, with the kids becoming promiscuous teenagers, Krueger is stepping out of the shadows and attacking them at their weakest – asleep in their beds at night.
It’s a concept that I’d love to see come to fruition one day, if only. A strong lead actress and a merciless killer. It’s the ingredients for a well-rounded thriller.
But in order for a new ELM STREET to work and be effective, Freddy Krueger needs to be totally reinvented. It was made crystal clear that no one besides ‘80s Robert Englund can play the part. So Krueger needs a clean slate. A fresh start. We don’t necessarily need the striped sweater, but some form of the glove needs to stay…and perhaps the fedora, for kicks.
Essentially, Freddy has become more of an idea than a figure. He can be scary. He can be merciless. The title A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET can strike fear again. The question is whether the studio will have what it takes to make a move. We all know Platinum Dunes didn’t. They did fine with the FRIDAY THE 13TH reboot in 2009, but it’s obvious they fell on their face with NIGHTMARE.
How would you do a NIGHTMARE reboot if it what up to you?