I don't even know where to start. DEADPOOL was all that and a bag of chips. Seriously. It was so good. Very rarely does the marketing for a movie match the tone and feel to a T -- but DEADPOOL nailed it. All of it. And it was glorious.
Instead, Wilson is thrust into a series of "torture" tactics after being injected with mutant DNA -- in hopes of mutating Wilson.
In the end, Wilson is cured of all his cancers and made seemingly invincible...he can regenerate lost and damaged tissue, etc. But the transformation leaves Wilson horribly burned.
The basic premise of the movie is Wilson, now known as Deadpool, seeking revenge on the man who did this to him.
Admittedly, I didn't know much about Deadpool going into it, all I had was my single-viewing of X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE back in 2009. Even then, I was 110% sure the character was handled all wrong. And I was right. But 2016's DEADPOOL seems to have corrected that.
DEADPOOL most certainly isn't a movie we deserved, but most definitely is one that we needed. A superhero movie with a hard R-rating that breaks the fourth wall throughout. And it was awesome. It's a movie that pulls no punches and leaves everything on the table -- a true labor of love from the filmmakers.
I'll probably see the movie again at some point, but I highly doubt my opinion will change any. See this movie if you can. You won't regret it.
What did you think of DEADPOOL?