David Gordon Green directing back-to-back 'Halloween' sequels?

The fine folks over at Bloody-Disgusting have a whopper for us today. They're reporting -- and it's heavily labeled as just a rumor -- that not only is David Gordon Green returning to direct the untitled Halloween sequel, but that he's, in fact, directing back-to-sequels to flesh out the rebooted trilogy.
An extremely reliable insider hit me up with bonkers news late Sunday evening that I haven’t been able to verify (I’m being 100% transparent here). What I’m told is that David Gordon Green has decided to return and direct back-to-back sequels to Halloween (2018), his direct followup to John Carpenter‘s 1978 slasher that ignores all of the franchise’s sequels and continues Laurie Strode’s story 40 years later.
They go on and state this as to why it should be taken as just a rumor at the moment...
From what I’m told, not only will they be filming two sequels back-to-back, but they are discussing releasing both in the same month. Yes, it’s within the realm of possibility that we’ll see two Halloween films released in October 2020.
Sounds pretty nuts. And totally awesome at the same time. Time will tell.

A new Halloween sequel is slated for an October 2020 release.
Nick Meece

Writer, wannabe. twitter

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