'American Psycho' Remake Is Fake News, Says Ellis

So...maybe an American Psycho remake isn't happening? Or maybe it is and author Bret Easton Ellis is unaware? This is what Ellis had to say on his podcast Word of Reel...

“I have a feeling it’s fake news. I heard somewhere, from someone, that there are no contracts. Austin Butler hasn’t signed anything to play Patrick Bateman. Luca doesn’t have a deal. Scott Burns, who is supposed to write the screenplay, doesn’t have a deal either.

From various sources that I have, this is just fake news that was put out there to see how an audience is going to react…. If it does exist, I am not involved, I have nothing to do with this, I might get some money if they do this, but I am not involved creatively on any level, and that is all I know.”

Source: Dark Horizons

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