Sequel Buzz ranks the Child's Play sequels

Keeping with the spirit of Halloween, we are continuing our lists of ranking horror's best franchise sequels. We continue our list with the Child's Play sequels...

1. Child's Play 2
No suprise here. Believe it or not, I'm actually going to rank these in the order they were released. Part two was a breath of fresh air; Chucky's triumphant return was welcomed with open arms in the horror community.

2. Child's Play 3
This is probably the sequel I've seen more times than any of the other Chucky films (including the original). This takes place 10 years after the original, Andy Barclay is now 16 and in military school, and Chucky's wit is at its best here...and finale is one I'll remember for years.

3. Bride of Chucky
According to the timelime, Bride of Chucky takes place just a couple days/weeks/months after the events of Child's Play 3. I was a fan of this film for many reasons, I was thrilled to see Chucky back on the big screen, and sporting a cool new look. But, there were times when the film seemed to leave the horror genre and play in the comedy field a little bit.

4. Seed of Chucky
I disliked this movie for all the same reasons why liked Bride. This movie was just too...oh, what's the word...I don't know. I just didn't like it. So I ranked it last. However, the opening POV kills were pretty cool.

There. I ranked the Child's Play sequels. Boy, isn't my life hard. Agree or disagree with my list? Comment!

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