Jamie Kennedy To Return In 'Scream 4'

The casting news for Scream 4 just keeps getting stranger and stranger. Back in 2008 it was rumored that Jamie Kennedy might be reprising his role as Randy in the third sequel to the mega-hit Scream, and just a few weeks ago Liev Shrieber was rumored. Remember, both of these characters met their maker in previous installments. Here's what CHUD is reporting...

When Jamie Kennedy's Randy was killed in Scream 2 it was both a brilliant move - he was the audience identification character, and so we felt his death - and a bummer. I always thought that Randy was one of the better movie geek cliche characters, and his presence was missed in Scream 3.

But could he be back in Scream 4? Sources very close to the production tell me that the producers of Scream 4 are talking to Kennedy about returning to the franchise. The problem is that I can't get anyone to tell me how. Will it be Randy, back from the grave? Randy's twin? Or will the film be going meta, as some have suspected, with Kennedy playing himself? (This has to be the least likely scenario - Wes Craven already did the meta movie thing with New Nightmare).

At this point it could shake out that Kennedy's not even in the film - Kevin Williamson is writing the script right now, in fact - but it sounds like there's a desire to bring the whole original cast back for this go-round. And this isn't exactly new news - Kennedy himself talked about the possibility of Randy coming back as long ago as 2008. But from what my sources tell me it sounds like the return of Kennedy to the franchise - if not the return of Randy - is all but a done deal.
Nick Meece

Writer, wannabe. twitter

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