'The Ring 3D' In Talks

This comes from Moviehole...

A few months back Bloody Disgusting announced that development had started on a second sequel to [Gore Verbinski's U.S remake of] "The Ring".Today, Heat Vision added that the flick will be in..... 3D! (Yeah, I don't know why I just added an exclamation point there - maybe I should've just typed that whole last sentence in CAPITALS since that's usually someone's way of letting others know that they're pissed off with something - so I'm told by my fellow typists - and, well, I'm definitely not smiling about this seemingly unremitting 3D trend).

David Loucka (''Dream House'', ''House at the End of the Street'') has been tapped to write the screenplay for "The Ring 3D", with Paramount apparently aiming to attract more of a "Final Destination" (the 3D being the first tip-off, the second being the 'teen-centric' script Loucka's apparently working on) crowd this time around.

Doubtful, since she's "like, yer know, um, all like 'old' and stuff", that Naomi Watts will be back.
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