'Conan' Reboot Gets New Title, Delay

The Conan 3D reboot has been given a new title: Conan the Barbarian -- fitting, if you ask me. And here's more...

Make of this what you will : Nu Image has not only just renamed their upcoming “Conan” reboot – from “Conan 3D” to the more purist pleasing “Conan the Barbarian” – but they’ve just ordered the cast back to Bulgaria for reshoots.

Considering the film has been in the can for quite some time – and most of the cast, including Rachel Nichols, Jason Momoa and Ron Perlman have all moved on to other projects – the reshoots, which come hot on the end of test screenings, are a little worrying.

I also have to ask, why has “3D” been removed from the film’s title? Is it because the studio believes 3D’s appeal on the decline? Or is it – am I just taking a stab in the dark here – because they’re considering doing away with 3D?

An insider tells me that “It could be that they have abandoned 3D but last I heard they were going to shoot some more 3D friendly scenes and then hire a freelance firm to convert it in post”.

3D or no 3D, personally, I’m rooting for the film. “Conan” is a terrific story, and I love the look of this new kid Jason Mamoa – in the role originated by The Oak. More so, how hot is Rachel Nichols going to look in a shaggy skirt!? Yeah… you with me!? Worth the price of admission alone. And, of course, if it’s proven there’s a market out there for a “Conan” film… we might just see John Milius and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “King Conan” one day, you never know.

Our contact says that the test screenings for this latest film have gone “Okay, but look… some people need to realize this isn’t a film version of the Robert E.Howard books, it’s an interpretation… another spin on the character. It’s a little bit different, but I think it’s fine”.

Hopefully ‘fine’ is good enough to squish the other [3D] films opening opposite “Conan” that weekend in August of 2011 – “Spy Kids 4″ and “Fright Night”. And hey, look, if they are doing 3D still and it doesn’t turn out, or if the flick hasn’t turned out as expected, they can always pay Schwarzenegger a few hummer’s full of gold bullion to make an appearance as Conan’s Uncle Louie.

After his father is murdered and village destroyed, Conan ventures into an unforgiving world where he survives as a thief, pirate, and warrior. On his path of wanton adventure and women, Conan chances upon the warlord responsible his tribe’s destruction. As he tracks Khalar Zym, Conan battles monsters, Zym’s henchmen, and Marique, a powerful witch.

More news on “Conan the Barbarian” when it comes to hand.

Thanks to Moviehole!

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