'Salt 2' Needs A Director

The directing job for Salt 2 is open at the moment. here's the full details...

In an interview conducted earlier today, “Salt” director Phillip Noyce told us he won’t be (despite rumours he’s already onboard) directing the sequel to the Angelina Jolie starring hit.

Though Sony has yet to officially announce a sequel (it’s expected they likely will, considering the success of the original) Noyce tells Moviehole he has moved on.

“Those 3 [alternate] Blu-ray cuts [of the film] represent just about everything I have to offer on Everlyn Salt”, says the filmmaker. “If there ever is a sequel, better its directed by someone with a completely fresh take on what I believe could be a totally entertaining and complex series of stories.”

Meantime, Noyce is working on a couple of new projects.

”Christopher Hampton, of Atonement fame, is currently in negotiations to rework the Dirt Music script, with Russell Crowe confirmed to play singer/song writer Luther Fox.Its a film about the transporting power of love and music.

“I’m also working with Salt producer Sunil Perkash and writer Bill Kelly (Enchanted) on another romantic drama called “Timeless”, being financed by Relativity.”

Thanks to Moviehole.

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