Lena Heady, who played Sarah Connor in TV's Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, has signed on to the Judge Dredd reboot Dredd...
And the Newspaper headline reads : Mother of future resistance leader John Connor wins the tender to assassinate Judge Dredd.
Lena Headey, who for the last couple of years played Sarah Connor over on the short-lived “Terminator : The Sarah Connor Chronicles” but before that played the Queen in “300″, will play a villain in director Pete Travis’ comic book movie reboot “Dredd”, says Judge Dredd Movie News.
The film stars Karl Urban in the title role. In this particular yarn, Dredd and his rookie sidekick (Olivia Thirlby) find themselves trapped in a high-reside apartment block, surrounded by criminals. Headey will play Madeline Madrigal, aka Ma-Ma, who controls one of the blocks of Mega-City One.
Thanks to Moviehole.