'Rise Of The Apes' Gets New Release Date

The release date for Rise of the Apes has been moved from November to August. So it looks like we'll be monkeying around sooner rather than later.

On a side note, I originally thought this film was a prequel to Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes (2001), but it appears, according to IMDb, that the film is a remake of Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972). Hmm, I may have to do a little investigating -- or not.

Twentieth Century Fox has booted R-rated comedy "The Sitter" from Aug. 5 to a Dec. 9 release date to make room for "Rise of the Apes," which moves into the summer slot after having been shuffled twice before.

"Rise of the Apes," toplining James Franco and Freida Pinto, originally was dated on June 24, then moved to Thanksgiving weekend.

The film's new date isn't necessarily troubling news for the reboot, since August has become more fertile B.O. ground than in year's past. Still, pic's new summer slot traditionally has been considered less fruitful than either of its previous dates.

Fox said it hopes "Apes" can break through summer holdovers being the sesh's last event film.

In its new date, "Apes" will go up against three other wide releases, including Sony's toon hybrid "The Smurfs," Universal's Jason Bateman-Ryan Reynolds comedy "The Change-Up" and 3D sci-fi thriller "The Darkest Hour," from Summit.

"The Sitter," toplining Sam Rockwell and Jonah Hill, opens alongside New Line's "New Year's Eve," looking to attract primarily adult audiences as the only R-rated comedy skedded so far during the Christmas sesh.

Thanks to Variety for the scoop.

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