The '24' Movie Will Be Here In 2012

According to star Kiefer Sutherland (Jack Bauer), the much-anticipated 24: The Movie will be lighting up movie theaters in 2012.

We’re holding our breath, Jack Bauer: Kiefer Sutherland told the women of The View this morning that the much-anticipated release of the 24 movie will be in (drumroll please) … 2012.

Hey, there’s no reason NOT to believe Sutherland (who was on the show to promote his Broadway play That Championship Season). Still, EW hears that the movie has yet to find a director and has no start date. I guess we should stay tuned.

Sutherland told EW earlier this year that he remains committed to a big-screen version of the Fox drama and, in fact, hopes to begin production within a year. Though Fox ultimately nixed a script by Billy Ray (State of Play), the movie remains “the little engine that could.” He acknowledged that 20th Century Fox has been working with director/producer Tony Scott (Man on Fire, The Good Wife) on the project. “Billy did a fantastic job and there are aspects of that story [that will remain],” the actor says. “I couldn’t be more thrilled.”

What do you think, Bauer fans? Will you believe it when you see it?

Thanks to Entertainment Weekly for the scoop.

Nick Meece

Writer, wannabe. twitter

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