Not One, But Two 'Child's Play' Projects In The Works

Child's Play, 1988
A remake to the cult/mainstream classic Child's Play has been in the early stages of development for several years now.  But today we were hit with some even more news -- not only is the remake still in the cards, but a sequel/spin-off to the original series is in the works as well, Revenge of Chucky.

There are reportedly two “Child’s Play” projects in the works: a remake and a spin-off of sorts involving Chucky’s immediate family, “Revenge of Chucky.” The reunion panel featured Alex Vincent, Brad Dourif and Chris Sarandon and Dourif confirmed that he’s involved in both projects but has not seen a script for the “Child’s Play” remake yet. Don Mancini and David Kirschner have been planning to reboot the franchise for several years, and this remake will be written and directed by Mancini. The film will be a darker and scarier retelling of the original film, but one that will offer new twists and turns.
So what do you make of this revelation?  If you're a Chucky fan, then it's probably a wet dream.  I'm all in for a remake, but a spin-off sort of gives me that queezy feeling that I don't like so much.  Nevertheless, I am very curious as to where this will go.

Source: Moviehole
Nick Meece


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