This is an awesome new trailer for Tron: Uprising produced by Disney Television Animation. Tron: Uprising is about Beck (voiced by Elijah Wood), a young program who becomes the unlikely leader of a revolt inside The Grid. He leads his family and the world in revolution against Clu and his second-in-command General Tesler (voiced by Lance Henriksen). The series takes place between the events of the original Tron and Tron: Legacy.
Bruce Boxleitner is voicing Tron, the character he made famous back in the original Tron.
Additional voice cast also includes Emmanuelle Chriqui as Paige, Mandy Moore as Mara, Nate Corddry as Zed, Paul Reubens as Pavel and Reginald VelJohnson as Able.
The animated series looks awesome and I will definitely be watching this one when it airs this June.
Check out the trailer below from USA Today!
What do you think? Excited for Tron: Uprising?