Jaden Smith To Possibly Become A Teenage Assassin In 'Boy Nobody'

If you didn't take Jaden Smith's acting seriously, then you better take it seriously now -- or not, whatever floats your boat.

Boy Nobody is an upcoming young adult novel from author Allen Zadoff and Sony Pictures and Overbrook are trying to get the film rights. If it's signed, fingers point to having Jaden Smith starring in the film. 

What's the book going to be about?  Well, here you go:

"The book’s main character is reminiscent of a teenage Jason Bourne, with Zadoff describing the young protag as a “young soldier trained not to feel; who could function in every situation without fear, sympathy or anger; who could assassinate strangers and then walk away emotionally unscathed.”

The book isn't even out yet and they are already trying to get the film rights?  I guess, patience ISN'T a virtue!  Not in the film business.  NOPE!   The book will come out in Spring and the author is planning a trilogy (no surprise there).

I decently liked Smith in The Karate (Kung-Fu) Kid (though I did like Jackie Chan in the film a lot more -- biased as I am a Jackie Chan fan) but he did show he could have a good career ahead in acting.  Smith will soon be seen next to his dad in M. Night Shyamalan’s new film After Earth (I wonder what the twist will be in this film -- people are eating too much pastry so all the pastry are getting their revenge on people?).

Anyway, this could be Sony's answer to The Hunger Games which sort of has the same elements in the story.  We will find out soon enough.

Source: Beyond Hollywood
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