Mel Gibson & Michelle Williams Wanted By Robert Rodriguez For 'Machete Kills'

I bet you didn't see this one coming -- I surely didn't.

Robert Rodriguez already announced the long overdue announcement that production will start on Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, but he had another announcement in store -- Yes, there will be a sequel for Machete -- the Danny Trejo led vehicle called Machete Kills.

Rodriguez is also hoping to land big names for undisclosed roles including Michelle Williams and Mel Gibson.  Michelle Williams may not want to do it as she wants to take a break but anything is possible.  As for Mel Gibson?  Remember when Mr. Gibson was supposed to have a cameo in The Hangover Part II but... that didn't happen.  Politics (and tirades) aside, I think having Gibson would make the film very interesting but wondering what role he would play would be headlines for sure.

Now, I personally didn't much care for Machete but this sequel could be better.  We will see.

You looking forward to Machete Kills?

Source: The Playlist
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