Two Stylish New Trailers For David Cronenberg's 'Cosmopolis'

David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis is going to give the Cannes Film Festival a run for its money. It can also be a turning point for Robert Pattinson.  Since all that Twilight stuff is done and over with, it will be interesting to see what Pattinson does after Twilight and this couldn't be more different.  You can expect the trademark Cronenbergness (That's totally a genre) for this film and judging from the trailers, it definitely looks more stylish and cool than a couple of his previous efforts such as Eastern Promises (which was a decent film in itself).

Eric Packer risks his entire fortune to bet against the yen on a tumultuous day, a move that puts him in an assassin’s crosshairs as he moves from place to place in a limo in a study of capitalism that takes place in a slightly futuristic metropolis.

The film also stars Juliette Binoche, Samantha Morton, Paul Giamatti, Jay Baruchel, Kevin Durand,  Mathieu Amalric, Anna Hardwick, Emily Hampshire, George Touliatos, and Patricia McKenzie.

Check out the 2 slightly different trailers below!

Source: Beyond Hollywood
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