A 'Star Trek' Fan's Dying Wish

This story completely reminds me of the cult movie Fan Boys, where a boy's dying wish is to see a workprint of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.  But this isn't a movie, it's real life -- and it seems that this may end up with a similar ending, as it has been rumored that director J.J. Abrams is working hard to get a rough cut of Star Trek: Into Darkness to the dying fan.

Here's the original story published on Reddit:
Hello Reddit. I've seen some amazingly kind and generous stuff happen on here. I'm hoping there's room for another amazing act of generosity and kindness for a friend of mine who is really sick. I couldn't begin to put into words what he has gone through. Luckily his wife did it for me... "My amazing healthy film buff husband diagnosed with leukemia (CML) at 38 had to endure 3 rounds of chemo before they found a bone marrow donor match had a Bone Marrow Transplant, which was MORE chemo, full body radiation & lots of other horrific things....then endured/survived 3 major infections + a massive GI bleed that put him in the hospital 10+ times over 3 1/2 years not to mention 100's of doctors visits.... he is my hero; I am his caregiver - I would do anything to help him.... he is now ravaged by a new TOTALLY UNRELATED cancer, (isn't that a fucker?) an aggressive and EXTREMELY rare vascular tumor that is crowding out his healthy liver tissue... they grew under treatment; there is nothing left to do but make him comfortable, at 41, he is jaundice & his liver is enlarged, his body has had enough, he has weeks to live, He was hospitalized and had to exchange our HOBBITT tickets (where the 10 min Star Trek preview was supposed to be shown) we were able to put him in a car and get over to the HOBBITT but NO PREVIEW???? we, his friends and family, the love of my life - WOULD LOVE him to be able to see the Star Trek movie but even the 10 minutes of the trailer would be AMAZING." If there is anything any one of you or anyone you know could do to make this happen that would be an amazing, kind and generous thing. Please help. Thanks.
TLDR; My friend is dying. Would like to see the new Star Trek movie. Please help. At the least, upvote to get to front page for someone else to see. Please.
Source: Reddit 
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