Mickey Mouse And Roger Rabbit To Star In 'The Stooge' Animated Remake?

Not sure if this should be taken with a grain of salt or what, but apparently there is an animated remake of The Stooge in the works over at Disney -- which will star Mickey Mouse and Roger Rabbit as the leads.

Here's all that's known:
The movie is called The Stooge. It will be based on the classic Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movie of the same name. The story has the emotional empathy and sensibilities of Wall-E and Toy Story. It will be a (G) Rated Pixar type animated musical buddy comedy. Mickey takes on the Dean Martin role, Roger, who is already regarded as a comic genius in France, takes the Jerry Lewis part.

The film incorporates five specific locations from the Disneyland park. It also introduces the Toon Train, an exciting and interesting way to travel through Toontown.

The film features real-life people. Walt Disney costars. Orson Wells makes an appearance.

The packaged Development Proposal is currently being evaluated by Disney and Pixar. Meetings are happening! Directors and writers are being evaluated.

Hold your breath! For now, that's all I can tell you! Believe me, there's lots more to come.
Source: Gary Wolf 
Nick Meece

Writer, wannabe. twitter

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