Review: WILLOW CREEK (2014)

To jump right into things: Willow Creek (filmed in 2013, released in 2014) successfully uses found footage to the best of its abilities -- probably even the best found footage horror film since The Blair Witch Project -- the Bigfoot lore, like that of the Blair Witch, just lends itself so beautifully to the medium.

Willow Creek follows two people: Jim and Kelly, a couple who has set out into the Bluff Creek/Willow Creek area of NW California to film a Bigfoot documentary, following the same footsteps of the infamous 1966 Patterson-Gimlin footage.

The majority of the film is pretty lackluster, but ironically, that's really the muscle of the movie. It spends and a lot of time diving into the mythos of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch legend in the area -- the couple interview many locals who either are actively involved in the search or people who have had their own personal encounters with the beast -- they even eat at a restaurant that is the "home of the Bigfoot burger" (which looks delicious, by the way).

The interesting dynamic in the movie is comparable to that of the TV series The X-Files, as Fox Mulder is a strong believer and Dana Scully is the skeptic, it's the same thing in Willow Creek with Jim as the die-hard believer and Kelly as the forever skeptic.

Thanks to recent shows like Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot with the BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization) the hype surrounding the lore is hitting an all-time high, which is a perfect time to strike this hot iron (I also eagerly await the release of Eduardo Sanchez's Exists.

But of all the Bigfoot movies that I have ever seen, I stack Willow Creek right up there beside The Legend of Boggy Creek, maybe even a tad higher. Willow Creek is monstrous in the best way possible. I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed every ticking second of this movie. I really wish Bobcat Goldthwait will consider a follow-up to this...wait for it...masterpiece.

Willow Creek is a must-see for any Sasquatch enthusiast or horror movie buff or a fan of found footage.
Nick Meece

Writer, wannabe. twitter

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