In speaking with, Fun World President R.J. Torbert (Fun World holds the license for the Ghostface image) dropped the answer.
To answer your question regarding the SCREAM T.V. SERIES. Please note, that I had been in communication with TWC regarding this and they have informed me, that as of now, and during the initial launch that GHOST FACE® is not involved in the new format. They also indicated that because of this direction, it does not mean, that Ghost Face® will not be involved at a later date. So, there is still a question , to the question. However, as of now, there is no involvement.So now that we know that ole Ghostie won't be involved in the series -- at least, not yet -- does that change your perspective on the show? Personally, it's a bold move that may or may not pay off. The ghost mask has always been synonymous with the SCREAM brand. They go hand-in-hand.
I’m telling you now, as we get closer to Halloween, because of the many inquiries, we have had from our RETAILERS, as well as the FANS from all over the world. In addition, -------we have received pretty harsh notes, some addressed specifically to me, implying that Fun World and/or me, is responsible for the SERIES not having GHOST FACE® ----------nothing could be further from the truth. We believe , SCREAM is GHOST FACE, and GHOST FACE® is Scream. However, while GHOST FACE® is owned by Fun World, The Scream Motion Picture Franchise is owned by The Weinstein Company and it is their option to Film a movie or T.V. SHOW without GHOST FACE®.
Regardless, we wish them the best of luck and I’m sure SCREAM FANS will check out the series. Who knows what will happen in the future regarding the series and Ghost Face®. Never say Never.
Good luck, MTV.