Steinberg gives some 'American Pie' sequel input

We recently had the opportunity to talk one-on-one with David H. Steinberg, screenwriter for the upcoming Universal project American Pie: Book of Love (Steinberg also co-wrote the story for American Pie 2).

I asked two questions that I feel were important to the foundation of the latest 'Pie' installment. And to much pleasure and surprise, we got some answers!

What's your stance on where the 'AP' films are at right now?
"I think the last three have increasingly gotten away from what made the movies great: lovable, relatable characters and a strong theme about growing up and sex and love. Plus, the first three movies always had strong female characters with a real point of view, not just window dressing. “Book of Love” is very much like the first movie. It’s actually very dramatic at times."
Every 'AP' sequel claims to be the "raunchiest" and "wildest/sexiest" slice of pie yet, can we expect the same with 'Book of Love'?
"Actually no. The fans won’t be disappointed by the outrageous comedy, but we weren’t trying to outdo anyone."
I would like to thank Mr. Steinberg for taking the time to answer a couple questions that were on the minds of many avid fans of American Pie films.

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