Fast Five director Justin Lin is in talks to director the fifth installment of the Terminator franchise. Collider has the skinny...
In February, we reported that Universal was interested in resurrecting the Terminator franchise with Fast Five director Justin Lin at the helm. Our partners at Omelete spoke with Lin today at the Fast Five press junket and got him to comment on the possibility of reviving the Terminator franchise. Briefly, Lin says he has a take on Terminator he would like to see and that he’s spoken with Arnold Schwarzenegger. However, he’s also looking at other projects and hasn’t decided what will be his next directing gig.
Hit the jump for the full quote from Lin. Fast Five opens April 29th.
Omelete: Speaking of big-budget movies and studio franchises, there’s a lot of talk about you getting to do the Terminator franchise. Is this happening? Are you looking forward to it?
JUSTIN LIN: I think one of the great things is that when I got started, no one would return my calls, and now I get a lot of phone calls, which is good. I have options. Terminator was one of my favorite films growing up. And I feel I have a take that I would love to see, and I’ve talked with Arnold and we’ve talked and we’ll see. Again, I would love to do it, but it has to be the right circumstances. It has to be the right people. And there’s other projects too. But I’m in a position now that I can choose more than I could a year ago, two years ago. So that is something that is potentially in my future, but when I get home I will sit down and look at my options and choose what I want to do.
Thanks to Collider for the scoop.