New 'FINAL GIRL' Trailer Kicks Serious Ass

Well it's official, Abigail Breslin is all grown up.  And this trailer for her new horror movie Final Girl just looks all sorts of badass.

Loner Veronica (Abigail Breslin) is new to school, shy and vulnerable the perfect target for a group of teenage boys who lure girls into the woods to hunt and kill them for sport. It's only after they get her alone that she turns the tables on them, escaping and revealing she's armed and knows how to defend herself. Little do they know, Veronica is an assassin-in-training, and she's chosen killing these boys as her final test. When the dust clears, Veronica will find out if she can be the final girl these boys ever have a chance to hurt.
Nick Meece

Writer, wannabe. twitter

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